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  Ag Career Readiness Certificate Pathway for the 21st Century (ACRS21)  
What is the ACRS21 Certificate Pathway?      
Background information about ACRS21, certificate requirements, standards
alignment, teacher best practices, students getting started guide, and video

High School Teacher Training Modules (1-10)      
30-minute videos highlighting experiential learning activities and examples of
how teachers and students incorporate them into their FFA Chapters. These
videos also cover the why behind each learning area

University Level Teacher Training Modules (2-10)      
Video highlighting experiential learning activities and examples of how teachers and students incorporate them through University level engagement. These videos also cover the "why" behind each learning area.

ACRS21 Slide Presentations      
Slide presentations without audio to be used as a teacher resource, and
teachers can follow along for help if needed

Module Resource Folders for Teachers, Students and Counselors      
PDF documents with links to online resources for teachers, students, and
career counselors

AET Graphic Organizers for Students      
Graphic organizers illustrate step-by-step how to enter hours into the AET

AET Graphic Organizers for Teachers      
Graphic organizers illustrate step-by-step how to evaluate student projects in

ACRS21 Scholarship Application      
Scholarship application, scoring rubric, and eligibility requirements

Community College Teacher Training Modules (2-10)      
30-minute videos highlighting experiential learning activities and examples of
how teachers and students incorporate them into their Community College programs. These
videos also cover the why behind each learning area

  ACRS21 Certificate Program
  ACRS Logo   

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